Pakistan: Baseless allegations against Christian

Written by Super User 25 May 2012

Police in Pakistan charged a young Christian man with blasphemy after an argument with Muslims over a billiards game in Punjab Province’s Sheikhupura district. Sajid Inayat, aged 20 was arrested on Friday (May 18th) and charged with desecrating the Quran under the country’s controversial blasphemy laws. Section 295-B makes wilful desecration of the Qur'an or use of an extract in a derogatory manner punishable with life imprisonment. His relatives told Compass by telephone that he had been falsely accused after an argument with some local Muslim boys over a billiards game just two days before the alleged incident. On Friday he met the Muslim boys with whom he had previously squabbled, they accused him of setting alight ‘holy pages’ placed in a box on an electricity pole. He asked them why he would do such a thing. An argument ensued, a mob gathered and he was arrested. There are no witnesses to the charges made against Inayat.

Pray: that the truth would come out, true justice would be done, and an unjust law would be abolished.(Ps.119:86)



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