North Korea: Jailed Christian attempts suicide

Written by Super User 19 Jul 2010

Aijalon Mahli Gomes, a 30-year-old American sentenced to eight years in a labour camp for illegally entering North Korea, was hospitalised after a suicide attempt. Officials claim he was motivated to kill himself out of ‘his strong guilty conscience’ and ‘his frustration’ with the US government’s effort to set him free. Gomes, a devout Christian, was captured after crossing into reclusive North Korea from China on Jan. 25th and sentenced in April to eight years hard labour and fined about $700,000, for ‘hostile acts’ against the country. In June, North Korea threatened to impose harsher punishment (wartime law) in retaliation to America’s ‘campaign’ of international pressure following the sinking of a South Korean warship in March. Prior to entering North Korea, Gomes was an English teacher in South Korea, and protested for the release of another Christian who illegally entered North Korea to urge leader Kim Jong-il to repent. After more than six months, it is still unclear what Gomes’ motivation is for entering North Korea.

Pray: for the Lord to strengthen Aijalon as only He can and for many advocates to obtain his speedy release. (Lk.21:19)


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