NIGERIA: State of emergency in 3 areas

Written by Super User 16 May 2013

In a nationwide broadcast Tuesday evening President Goodluck Jo nathan took direct control of security in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States. In imposing the state of emergency he wielded extra-ordinary powers under the 1999 constitution, when invoked this authorizes the presidency to govern these states directly, by-passing their governors. President Jonathan said, ‘The activities of insurgents and terrorists have been reprehensible, causing fear among our citizens and a near-breakdown of law and order in parts of the country, especially the north. We have taken robust steps to unravel and address the root causes of these crises but it would appear that there is a systematic effort by insurgents and terrorists to destabilize the Nigerian state and test our collective resolv e.’ Adding, ‘I hereby declare a state of emergency in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states’ He was forced to take the measure after several attempts to get Boko Haram, to disarm proved abortive.

Pray: for minimum violence as troops are deployed. Pray for all security agencies involved in these operations and for an end to insurgents and terrorists. (Ps.68:28)



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