NIGERIA: Islamists drive farmers from their land

Written by Super User 20 Jun 2013

Islamic militants have driven 19,000 rice farmers from their land in northeast Nigeria while a military crackdown is preventing thousands more from working their fields, raising fears of imminent food shortages adding to the misery in northeast Nigeria. The abandoned area is fertile, a regional bread basket created by the receding waters of Lake Chad. General hunger is anticipated this year because all roads linking the cities to the farming hinterlands have been closed down. Farmers have been locked out of their lands while those in the hinterland cannot come to the city for tractors or labourers for the next cropping. Meanwhile violence continues with 13 people killed when extremists attacked a boarding school for five hours in Damataru state capital on Sunday night. A student who survived by hiding under a bed said dozens of Boko Haram ordered students to take them to the teachers’ quarters, where they opened fire on teachers and students.

Pray: for an end to the attacks that are terrorizing the population of northeast Nigeria; for minimum violence as troops are deployed. (Ps.68:28)



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