NIGERIA: Anglican Church seeks capital punishment

Written by Super User 04 Jul 2013

Anglican Archbishop Nicholas Okoh asked the Federal Government to impose capital punishment for perpetrators of rape and killing. He also advised young ladies to avoid indecent dressing and nudity in order to avoid people who lacked sexual self-control. At Tuesday's press briefing in Abuja he counselled religious leaders to concentrate on teaching morality, not how to make money adding, ‘My church has not met to discuss the issue of capital punishment for rapists. But rape is becoming an embarrassing situation in this country and as religious leaders we must continue to react against deviant behaviour. We must continue to support marriage in order to build a decent society.’ He told the story of an incident of violent rape of a family, particularly the mother, by armed robbers and the perpetrator being executed adding, ‘The law of capital punishment for those who rightly deserve it should stay.’ Many favouring the death penalty quote Genesis 9:6.

Pray: that the broken systems in Nigeria will mend and administer justice not more victims. (Mat.6:14)



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