Nepal: New law planned forbidding evangelism

Written by Super User 09 Jun 2011

Five years after abolishing Hinduism as the state religion, Nepal is working on a new criminal code forbidding a person from one faith to ‘convert a person or abet him to change his religion.’ The proposed code also says no one will be allowed to do anything or behave in any way that could cause a person from a caste, community or creed to lose faith in his/her traditional religion or convert to a different religion. The proposal also prohibits conversion ‘by offering inducements or without inducement,’ and preaching ‘a different religion or faith with any other intent.’ Offenders could be imprisoned for a maximum of five years and fined up to US$685. If the offender is a foreigner they would be deported within seven days of completing the sentence. Last weekend Nepal failed to complete a new constitution for religious freedom due to a protracted battle for political power.

Pray: for Nepal’s Christian community, which has no representation in the Council of Ministers or in Parliament, to know God's provision. (Ps.1:6)


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