N. Korea: Sex trafficking

Written by Super User 09 Oct 2010

Members of the House Human Rights Commission hosted a congressional hearing last week, shining a spotlight on how China is ignoring the plight of North Korean refugees living in the country. Lawmakers heard firsthand that ninety percent of the women who flee North Korea fall victims to traffickers and the Chinese government does nothing about it. In fact it is the Chinese government's ruthless policy of repatriating North Koreans that makes them so vulnerable to the traffickers. It is hoped that when President Obama meets with the leader of China later on this year he will raise this issue. The administration is silent on these issues and although nuclear issues are important, human rights for the North Korean people is important also. China also returns refugees to North Korea where they face imprisonment and death.

Pray: for more activists to make a stand for the North Korean refugees in China. (Ps.9:18)

More: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2010/September/Lawmakers-Spotlight-NKorea-Sex-Trafficking/

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