Middle East: Palestinian children 'victims of violence'

Written by Super User 09 Nov 2010

Palestinian children are attacked by a handful of extremist settlers according to a report on settlement expansion investigating thirty-eight incidents resulting in three dead children and injuries to forty-two others. Continued settlement expansion has impacted the security of the Palestinian children. In eight cases soldiers colluded with the attack by either joining in, turning a blind eye or punishing the victims rather than the perpetrators. Twenty-one of the attacks were carried out in and around the southern city of Hebron and another seven near Nablus in the north - areas where settlers follow extremist ideologies. The study found ‘Israel's failure to enforce the law and hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions had created an atmosphere in which settlers enjoy impunity and Palestinians live in fear.’ None of the settlers involved in the violent incidents have been prosecuted.

Pray: for an end to all violence in this territory. (Ps.36:6)

More: http://www.asharq-e.com/news.asp?section=1&id=22884

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