Middle East: A work of reconciliation

Written by Super User 19 Oct 2013

‘Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.’ (Mat.5:23, 24) A young Israeli Messianic participant in a recent reconciliation initiative for young Israeli and Palestinian adults, writes in response to these verses, ‘The Lord showed us that it is very important for us to restore our relationship with our Palestinian brothers before we attempt to be reconciled with God.’ She adds, ‘We don’t always want to relate to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, feeling somehow disconnected from it, or powerless to do anything about it. Also we are in a more secure position (relative to the Palestinians) and so we tend to be apathetic and lack motivation to seek reconciliation with our Palestinian Brothers in Christ.’

Pray: for God to continue to bless and encourage those working for reconciliation and building relationships between Christians, Jews and others in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (Ro.12:9-13 & Mat.7:4- 5)


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