Mexico: Violence towards tribal believers

Written by Super User 18 Jan 2011

Latin American Indian Ministries report, ‘While we want to be positive about the year ahead we must voice a concern for tribal believers in southern Mexico. In the last few months Pastor Armando Lopes was killed travelling home from a doctor’s appointment, three other pastors were killed in the same area recently. Four families of believers were expelled from a village and a church destroyed with believers put on notice. This month six homes were destroyed and the families expelled from the community. Elsewhere a church and many homes were destroyed and fifty families expelled from the village, a further 86 families were expelled later. At the end of 2010 four hundred and ninety eight Indian believers were homeless, living as street people in San Cristobal where they seek protection. This persecution results from new believers boycotting drunken fiestas to saints in the untended Catholic church, celebrations which have really come to represent worshipping ancient pagan gods.

Pray: for these ‘suffering saints’ - including many very new believers. Some will establish new villages and build a new church. But the days ahead are challenging. (Ps.24:5-6)


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