Mexico: Christian war against cartels

Written by Super User 25 May 2012

Decapitation, rape, murder, mass corruption and national chaos is the fruit in Mexico of America’s illicit drug use. A Mexican offensive against drug cartels has raged since President Felipe Calderon took power in 2006 making a crackdown on drug cartels the hallmark of his six-year term, which expires later this year. However in a wide perception that the crackdown has not worked his party is losing hope for re-election. Mexico has a high percentage of Christian believers in the population and over past years hundreds of prayer vigils, walks and demonstrations have been held regarding the corruption, terror and drug wars in the land. On Sunday soldiers arrested the perpetrator of the decapitation and dismembering of 49 people dumped on a highway last week. Graffiti sprayed at the scene of the corpses showed the mark of the Zetas, who are fighting for control of the region. Their empire consists of hired killers, smugglers, kidnapers, extortionists and of people involved in then the crude oil industry.

Pray: for prayers against corruption to be answered and for God’s chosen president to lead the country out of immorality and corruption.(Is.1:23-26)




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