Mali: Humanitarian crisis

Written by Super User 01 Sep 2012

Armed conflict and food shortages have driven 400,000+ from their homes after April’s coup d'état left a government once considered a model of African democracy in shambles. Al-Qaeda-linked Islamist groups controlling an expanse the size of France are implementing a strict and destructive version of Sharia law. The international community said the situation is ‘a potential threat to international peace and security’. See: Valerie Amos the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator is visiting the area to assess this ongoing humanitarian need and draw attention to the severe food and nutrition crisis affecting people in Mali, including 175,000 children at risk of severe malnutrition. During her meetings with Government officials and humanitarian partners Ms. Amos is exploring ways to strengthen humanitarian operations and improve access to the north of the country. She will also call for urgent funding to scale up operations in the south, where the majority of people suffering the effects of the food and nutrition crisis live.

Pray: for God in His mercy to enable wise and effective distribution of food and medical aid to every area in need at this time. (Ps.57:1)


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