Maldives: Poor religious freedom

Written by Super User 21 Aug 2010

After Saudi Arabia, the Maldives is the only nation that claims a 100-percent Muslim population. The Indian Ocean archipelago has more than 70,000 expatriate workers representing several non-Islamic religions, including Christianity, but those who intermingle must exercise caution. ‘If you engage any Maldivian in a discussion on Christianity and the person reports it to authorities you can be in trouble.’ said a source who requested anonymity. ‘A Maldivian youth studying in Sri Lanka became a Christian recently but when his parents came to know about it they took him away. We have not heard from him since then.’ According to President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom no religion other than Islam should be allowed in the Maldives. Public practise of the Christian religion is prohibited. In 1998 all known Christian foreigners who were suspected of missionary work were expelled and some indigenous Christians were arrested. Christian missionaries are not allowed. The collective identity of the people of the Maldives is Islam.

Pray: for Christians to be wise and more intentional in sharing God's love with their Muslim neighbours and fellow workers. (Jas.2:24)


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