Israel: Jewish Christian seeks protection following repeated attacks

Written by Super User 12 Jan 2011

A Christian of Jewish origin who has been attacked on the streets here four times because of his faith in Christ and is seeking police protection. Jerusalem resident Yossi Yomtov said police have been slow to investigate hate crimes against him by youths wearing kippahs, cloth skullcaps typically worn by observant Jews. In two of the attacks a youth plied him with pepper spray and stun gun shocks, he said. 'This young man cursed me for my belief in Christ,' Yomtov told Compass. ‘He used ugly curses and spoke in highly abusive language.’ Yomtov, who founded the social activist group Lemallah (‘Upward’) after moving to Israel from the United States in 1999, said he was last attacked on Dec. 19. On that occasion his group was holding a demonstration in downtown Jerusalem, he said, when a man chanting anti-Christian slogans and using foul language approached him and began striking him. Police never showed up in spite of many calls to the police station, he said.

Pray: that Jewish believers would be given protection against persecution by non-believers. (Ps.5:11)


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