Israel: Direct peace talks every two weeks

Written by Super User 28 Aug 2010

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proposed direct peace talks every two weeks between himself and Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas as ‘The only way to solve problems in the Middle East.’ The Palestinians intend boycotting the meetings if Israel fails to renew the freeze on settlements in the West Bank. The EU condemns Tel Aviv for jailing pro human rights activist Abdullah Abu Rahmeh for protesting against the West Bank wall. The proposal, drawn up by the premier and his men Wednesday night, will be submitted September 2, when peace talks begin in Washington. ‘In the Middle East, serious negotiations require direct discreet and consistent encounters, among the leaders on major issues’. The International Court of Justice declared the construction, begun in 2002, illegal in 2004. Israel has always maintained that the 'security barrier' is to prevent suicide attacks from taking place.

Pray: for ongoing consistent communication that would enable each person to see things with different eyes. (Mal.4:2)


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