Israel: A ministry of reconciliation

Written by Super User 11 Jul 2011

The division between Arab and Jewish citizens is reflected in institutions, culture and national identities. Palestinian-Israelis reject Zionism as colonialist and racist. The Jews see themselves as the genuine proprietors of the Land of Israel. Both sides reject the most cherished values of the other. However some are working towards coexistence and reconciliation through ‘Musalah’ a ministry with a vision to see reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians first among Christian believers and then to those of interfaith communities. Please click the more button below to discover how they are improving Arab-Jewish coexistence through Summer Camps for the Israeli and Palestinian youth. Please pray for Hebron Camp that that started July 2nd with 120+ children registered and the July 18-23 camp in Petah Tikvah, Israel, giving Israeli and Palestinian children the opportunity to build friendships at a young age and see those from the other side as their brothers and sisters in the Messiah.

Pray: for the follow up for youth who attended these and similar camps of reconciliation amongst the youth, that they will continue to pray and listen to one another. (Ps.138:7-8)


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