Israel - Palestine: Exchange fire as leaders talk

Written by Super User 21 Sep 2010

A Palestinian was killed by Israeli air strikes on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Wednesday as Israeli and Palestinian leaders were set to hold peace talks in Jerusalem. (See Prayer Alert 3610) One man was killed and two others wounded by strikes carried out on smuggling tunnels along the Gaza-Egypt border, Palestinian medics and security officials said. The raids followed a morning of Palestinian rocket and mortar fire into Israel and came ahead of a new round of peace talks vehemently opposed by Gaza's militant Hamas rulers. The Israeli military confirmed that aircraft attacked tunnels but gave no details. One rocket and eight mortar rounds had earlier been fired from Gaza, a military spokeswoman said, with the rocket striking near the port city of Ashkelon. The Popular Resistance Committees, a small militant group, claimed responsibility for the attacks and like Hamas is also strongly opposes peace talks with Israel.

Pray: that God will bring reconciliation and peace and bless the work of peace-makers. (Nu.10:9)


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