Iraq: Christians have requested our prayers

Written by Super User 09 Nov 2010

Middle East Concern have forwarded a prayer request for Iraqi Christians following a major incident at the Syrian Catholic Church of Our Lady of Salvation Church in Baghdad Sunday. Claims of responsibility have appeared on websites used by extremists. Christian leaders in Iraq are concerned that this attack might prompt further internal displacement of Christians within Iraq. Iraqi Christians request our prayers that: a. The bereaved will know the peace, presence and comfort of Jesus. b.The wounded and traumatised will know the healing touch of Jesus. c. Those involved in providing pastoral care will know the Spirit's grace and gentleness. d. Christians across Iraq will know the Father's protection. e. The security situation in Baghdad will improve. f. Any Christians that feel obliged to leave Baghdad will find places of safety and be able to return soon. g. Church leaders in Baghdad will know the Spirit's guidance in all things, especially concerning services.

Pray: that God would use every situation to draw people to Himself and strengthen the believers in Iraq. (Jn.8:36)

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