Iran: Warns those who remain defiant

Written by Super User 22 Feb 2011

On Wednesday Iran said it is planning to take action against opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, who reject the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and who had called for a demonstration on Monday which turned deadly. MPs are demanding they be executed for their defiance by initiating public protests. Mohseni Ejeie said, ‘The heads of seditions are the people who should be punished for their criminal acts and God willing actions in this regard are being taken.’ Iranian officials accuse USA, Britain and Israel of influencing the thousands of anti-government protesters in the streets and the clashes with riot-police. The protest, initially held in solidarity with Arab uprisings, were the first anti-government demonstration since February 2010 when similar agitation was crushed by security forces and militiamen. Karroubi said in a website statement he was ready to 'pay any price.’

Pray: for Iranian leaders to listen to the voice of the people. (Pr.11:2)



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