Iran: Prayer needed now for Christians being interrogated

Written by Super User 26 Jan 2011

Since last weeks report on the arrested Christians at Christmas there has been no further contact from the detainees. It is almost certain they are in interrogation in Block 209 in the basement of Evin Prison, Tehran. Block 209 is where other believers have been taken for horrendous interrogation. The arrested are blindfolded, questioned by different officers for hours on end, returned to their cells, and then called again; this can go on for over a month. Whenever they leave their cells, they are blindfolded. Intense psychological pressure is put on them to renounce their faith. There are many reports of prisoners in this block being tortured. During the time of interrogation no contact with family members is allowed. Iranian churches held a day of prayer and fasting for Christian prisoners last Sunday and encourage us all to persevere in intercession for the suffering church in Iran.

Pray: for God's power to be revealed through these believers' ordeal, making them strong spiritually, emotionally and physically. (Gal.2:20&Ps.29:11)


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