Iran: Pastor facing execution plus fears for Christian in solitary confinement

Written by Super User 19 Jul 2010

A well-known Iranian pastor detained in June faces execution after two judges agreed to make him ‘liable to capital punishment,’ in a crackdown on growing Protestant churches. A senior pastor of the Church of Iran movement, comprising house churches across Iran, said judges had already signed an Islamic death sentence order, pending further investigations. see  Also Ali Golchin has been in Evin Prison’s solitary confinement since April 29, and is believed to have been ill-treated. After weeks of petitioning authorities his father was allowed a ten minute visit and found his son 'crying uncontrollably' and in obvious pain. Ali, a chemical analyst, had twice been sent to the prison health centre due to 'weakness and severe stomach aches'. Farsi Christian News Network’s sources believe Ali has been ill-treated during interrogation sessions. But praise God for the release of two Church of Iran Christians and the expected release on bail of two other Christians identified as ‘brothers Mehdi and Afshin'.

Pray: for Ali's spiritual and physical strengthening, and for God to touch the hearts of Iranian officials charged with detaining Christian prisoners of faith. (2Ch.11:17)


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