Iran: IMF sending ‘Currency Team’

Written by Super User 16 Nov 2012

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will send a team to Iran in 2013 for regular consultations regarding its crashing currency. However, an American advocacy group ‘United Against Nuclear Iran’ (UAN) said the UN and IMF should not undermine the will of the international community and the effects of sanctions imposed in direct response to the Iranian regime's illegal activities.’ The IMF's proposed work in Iran is designed to counter the effects of both the gross mismanagement of the Iranian economy by the regime, and the consequences of international sanctions. But UAN said, ‘The IMF's actions are more appropriate for a member state in good standing, not an illegal regime subject to multiple UN Security Council sanctions. The IMF is directly counteracting the effects, and therefore the consequences, of international sanctions. The IMF's cooperation with Iran must end.’

Pray: for God to give Christine Lagarde and the International Monetary Fund wisdom in their dealings with Iran. (Ps.45:4-5)




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