Iran: Four prayer needs

Written by Super User 02 Mar 2011

1) Iranian naval vessels sailed the Suez Canal on Tuesday en route to Syria, the first time in three decades that Tehran has been allowed to send military ships through this strategic waterway. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu viewed the move 'with gravity.' The ships paid about $300,000 in fees for the passage, according to a Maritime agent. See: 2) After two days of violent street protests in one week, Iran's opposition Green Movement said it was pondering its next move and considering a continuation of street protests, according to opposition websites. Websites have since been shut down. 3) Opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi have been under house arrest for over a week with little communication with the outside world. See: 4) Many Christians imprisoned for their faith need our prayers for Gods provision, and house churches in Iran need much wisdom at this time. See: Pray: for God’s power and authority to overrule all of Tehran's widening strategic horizons. (Pr.10:29-30)


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