Iran: Construction at nuclear reactor site

Written by Super User 03 Dec 2013

On Wednesday, possibly referring to a loophole in the deal with the West, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said that no new nuclear fuel will be produced, no new components will be installed, but the Islamic Republic will press on with building at a heavy-water reactor despite an agreement with Western powers to halt activity. The uncompleted heavy-water research reactor emerged as one of several crucial issues in negotiations in Geneva when Iran agreed with six world powers to curb Tehran's nuclear programme for six months in return for limited sanctions relief. Experts have said an apparent gap in the text could allow Tehran to build components off-site to install later in the nuclear reactor. It was not immediately clear if Zarif was referring to this or other construction activity. The West believes the reactor would produce plutonium, one of two materials, along with enriched uranium, that make the fissile core of a nuclear bomb.

Pray: that the Lord would reign over Iran’s leaders causing them to move forward with honest and honourable communication and action. (Ps.83:18)


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