Iran: Christians returned to jail

Written by Super User 16 May 2013

An Iranian high court has upheld the prison sentences of four Christians for converting to the faith from Islam. The decision means Pastor Farhad Sabokrooh, of the Iranian Assemblies of God, his wife Shahnaz Jayzan, and church workers NaserZaman-Dezfuli and Davoud Alijani have had to return to jail. They were arrested in December 2011 after their church in the southern town of Ahwaz was raided by authorities during Christmas celebrations. They were sentenced to one year in prison for ‘converting to Christianity and propagating against the Islamic regime through evangelism’. They were temporarily released but were summoned to court on 1 May and re-arrested. Christian Solidarity Worldwide has observed a crackdown on Christians since last December. Two other AoG pastors, Farshid Fathi and Saeed Abedini, are being held in Evin prison along with Church of Iran member Alireza Seyyedian and Mostafa Bordbar, who was arrested in Tehran in December.

Pray: for these and the many others who have been jailed for exercising their right to change their religion and follow Christ privately and in communion with others. (in breach of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which Iran is obliged uphold). (Ps.142:6-7)

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