Iran: Authorities arrest 15 Christian converts

Written by Super User 07 Aug 2010

A pre-planned and coordinated attack by security forces on a bus full of Christians in the city of Mashhad resulted in all the occupants being arrested. They were travelling to join fellow believers when security forces arrested and transferred them to a central detention centre. After a week of inhumane interrogations13 were freed on bail. Stephen Reza and Ehsan Behrooz remain detained. Ehsan Behrooz is a university student and an active member of the Assemblies of God church in Mashhad. Mr. Reza is married with two children. Mashhad city is a centre of pilgrimage and despite Muslim clerics claims of having full control over the minds of locals, evidence shows that God has been doing a wonderful work in the minds and the hearts of the people of this great Islamic centre as many people have come to faith in Jesus Christ in the last few years.

Pray: the Holy Spirit to keep in perfect peace these and other detained Christians in Iran. (SS.4:16)


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