INSIGHT: Iran’s change in direction?

Written by Super User 04 Oct 2013

On Saturday President Hassan Rouhani returned from America and was cheered at Tehran airport by his supporters praising him for reaching out to President Obama. This was followed by hard-line protesters hurling eggs and a shoe at him and blocking the road by praying on the pavement. The incident illustrates the tensions in Iran as Mr. Rouhani  attempts to begin to heal the rift between Iran and the West through a historic trip to the United Nations General Assembly in New York. See: Three days later the Israeli Prime Minister addressed the UN General Assembly, stating that the new Iranian President is a ‘wolf in sheep's clothing’ who is seeking to mislead the world about the country's nuclear program. For historical events, and recent incidents to help you discern some of the roots that have shaped Iran’s attitudes and values click the more link for this week’s INSIGHT article.

Pray:    for change in Iran, for leaders to embrace God’s transforming purposes for the region. May President Rouhani be used by God as Cyrus king of Persia was used and appointed in ancient times to build not tear down God’s provision. (2 Chron.36:23 & Dan.6:26)


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