INSIGHT: Eritrea: Pray for change

Written by Super User 12 Jan 2011

The first meeting of the Eritrean Cabinet of Ministers got underway on the 14th December in Eritrea’s capital. In its agenda the meeting heard extensive briefings by President Isaias Afwerki assessing political, economic, social and diplomatic activities this year, as well as the envisaged national development programmes for 2011 and beyond. See:  Analysts say the State of Eritrea is believed to be crumbling and it is doubtful that the Afewerki government will be able to sustain the unity and stability of the nation for much longer. Rumours within Eritrea say many are losing patience and may rise up against the authoritarian government. For insights into Eritrea’s Christian heritage, historical and political roots click the ‘Info’ button.

Pray: for God to release Eritrea into her inheritance under His authority. (Ps.132:15)



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