INSIGHT ARTICLE: Syria - Escalating unrest

Written by Super User 18 May 2011

* EU has announced an arms embargo on Syria and sanctions against 13 officials while turning a blind eye towards President Bashar al-Assad’s role in overseeing violence against his people. *The UN demanded humanitarian access to 30,000+ Palestinian refugees in Deraa desperate for medical supplies. Deraa was cut off two weeks ago by troops and tanks ‘restoring government control’. *Hundreds have been arrested in house raids with 400+ rounded up in Banias since Saturday. *Banias has a power station and oil refinery. It is predominantly Sunni Muslim but also home to many Alawites (the sect of the ruling Assad family and many senior officials).* 7,000+ are detained in overcrowded prisons, schools and public buildings *An agency caring for 120 Palestinian patients unable to get insulin supplies need help. * Exiled Syrian opposition members from across the political spectrum including activists affiliated with the banned Muslim Brotherhood are attending a Cairo conference later this month. Source: For Christian roots in Syria click 'Info'.

Pray: pray this will not be turned into a religious uprising between Christians and Muslims. (Jer.29:11)



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