INSIGHT ARTICLE: al-Qaeda how do we pray?

Written by Super User 11 May 2011

According to Wikileaks revelations, ‘an al-Qaeda militant accused of carrying out a bombing campaign across Pakistan in 2002 was a British agent. Also files indicate at least 35 terrorists confined at Guantanamo Bay went to fight against the West after being radicalised by extremist preachers in the UK.’ According to the New York Times the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks commanded a Maryland resident to kill Pakistan's former president Pervez Musharraf. See: Arabic Newspaper, Gulf News reported yesterday, ‘There is a danger that al-Qaeda may emerge more radical and united under the banner of Bin Laden's 'martyrdom.' Strategic prayer is needed at this time into the roots, command structure and the next generation of al-Qaeda. Please click the 'info' button below for al-Qaeda Insights to aid informed intercession.

Pray: for God to cause al-Qaeda to be foiled at every attempted act of retribution. (Ps.74:14)


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