INSIGHT ARTICLE Kenya: Pray this weekend for peace

Written by Super User 07 Aug 2010

Kenya’s President appealed for peace as Kenyans vote this weekend on a draft constitution intended to limit the powers of the president and set up a commission to settle land disputes that fuelled past violence. Pastor D.S.W. writes, ‘Put our nation Kenya in the hands of God. The leadership is not united. There is much tension towards the referendum and much frustration among tribes receiving letters telling them to leave where they are staying just because of land. This happened during the 2007 election and stirred fighting which resulted in many people being killed. Please pray for us. Spiritually as Christians we are praying and serving God as he called us to be His ambassadors among the nations.’ President Mwai Kibaki and former President Daniel Arap Moi, who opposes the draft, have delivered hate speech during the campaign. This INSIGHT article gives some background information to assist prayers.

Pray: for God to drench Kenya with joyful passions and positive anticipation; and for the Kenyan Church to become a symbol of unity. (Ps.131)




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