Indonesia: WORLD PRAYER ASSEMBLY – 14-18 May 2012

Written by Super User 26 Apr 2012

The World Prayer Assembly 2012 will be a ‘new wave’ to strategically connect and empower global prayer and mission movements. 5000-6000 Christian leaders from up to 220 nations will join with the Lord and each other through united prayer, leading to Spirit-inspired action to transform our world. The World Prayer Assembly, taking place in the largest Muslim country in the world, is being arranged and co-hosted by leaders of the Indonesian and Korean prayer movements, two of the most powerful prayer forces in the world. The event is being held with the support of international prayer networks such as the International Prayer Council and the Global Day of Prayer. The ultimate goal of the World Prayer Assembly is two-fold: to see the knowledge of the glory of the Lord filling the earth as the waters cover the sea and to experience the fulfilment of Jesus’ prayer that His followers would become one so that the world will know He is its Creator and Saviour (John 17:21).

Pray: for all the delegates that God will speak clearly into their lives with His prophetic word for the Church of today. (Hab.2:14)



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