Indonesia: Troops sent after deadly clashes in Ambon

Written by Super User 15 Sep 2011

The Indonesian government has sent hundreds of security personnel to the eastern city of Ambon following sectarian clashes that left five people dead and 80 injured. The violence was sparked by rumours a Muslim motorcycle taxi driver - who police said died in a traffic accident - had been killed by Christians. It erupted on Sunday, when rival groups clashed at the man's funeral. Houses, cars and motorbikes were set on fire during the violence. Ambon - the provincial capital of the Molucca islands - has been hit by sectarian violence in the past. Conflicts between Christians and Muslims between 1999 and 2002 left more than 5,000 dead and half a million people displaced.

Pray: for peace to reign in Ambon and the Molucca islands and cessation of the violence. (Ps.7:9)


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