India: Plight of Christians from Burma

Written by Super User 16 Mar 2012

On March 6th a Washington report, ‘Seeking Refuge’ highlighted 100,000 Chin People seeking refuge in Mizoram State, India. Leading refugee and human rights experts are calling on Mizoram State to respond to the protection and humanitarian crisis. The refugees face serious problems related to livelihood, health, and education. The Chins seeking refuge make up almost 10% of Mizoram's population, which is 95% Christian. The Chins in Mizoram have been out of sight and out of mind from the international community because of long standing travel restrictions to the region and because UNHCR has had no access to Mizoram. The delegation responsible for this report was only able to assess the protracted, urban refugee situation after the central government of India lifted the travel restrictions. Chins from Burma have no status or protection under the law and many suffer chronic economic insecurity, lacking adequate and stable shelter, food security, health and education.

Pray: that God will lead Mizoram State and the Indian Government into avenues of humanitarian ministry to its refugees. (Joel 2:19)



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