India: Pastor and believers attacked

Written by Super User 04 Aug 2012

Twenty Bajrang Dal activists roughed up pastor Kamalesh and more than fifty believers at a prayer meeting in a in Bakli Village 55 kilometers from Raipur Chattisgarh. Men women and children were attending a prayer meeting at a house in a slum cluster on July 22nd, and during the prayers twenty armed men from Bajrang Dal openly identified themselves and threatened the pastor and believers. They accused Kamalesh of proselytization, desecrating idols and defaming and blaspheming their gods and goddesses. The perpetrators commanded the pastor and the believers to chant hymns praising Hindu gods and goddesses - the believers refused to oblige. The radicals tormented the congregation for 45 minutes and then left; but before leaving they threatened the women that they will not hesitate to violate them if they continue to follow Jesus Christ.

Pray: for God to build up and empower His Church in India as they face increasing anti-Christian violence. (Is.62:10)




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