India: Hindu extremists victimize pastors

Written by Super User 09 Jul 2010

In India, Hindu extremists have continued to victimize pastors by using anti-conversion laws as an excuse to attack Christians, thereby limiting church activities. UK based Release International (RI) said in a recent report that pastors were beaten and cars burnt amid accusations of forced conversion. The RI report stated that on June 23, two pastors from Bethel Assembly of God Church were seriously injured when men attacked them with iron bars in Chandapura, Karnataka state, accusing them of converting people to Christianity by force. Before that attack some extremists burnt at least seven vehicles belonging to the Jesus with Us Pentecostal Church in Mathikere, Tamil Nadu. This attack followed efforts by Hindu extremists to prevent the church holding a four-day convention and that in the event, the gathering went ahead in a different location, under police protection. Eight Indian states have introduced anti-conversion laws however Tamil Nadu has since repealed them.

Pray: that the church in India will remain steadfast in their faith and pray that politicians and law enforcers will take a tougher line on extremist elements. (2Th.1:4)


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