India: Christians seek Easter protection

Written by Super User 19 May 2010

Archbishop Marampudi Joji of Hyderabad sought police protection for conducting Easter services, particularly the Good Friday procession through public streets. The city witnessed Hindu-Muslim violence in the last week of March and police impossed a curfew in the violence-hit old city areas with propitiatory orders banning assembly of more than five people. Although the flare up was political rather than religion-related the Archbishop told UCA news, ‘We have requested police protection to conduct Holy Week services within our churches.' He also said that Christians in areas where curfew was imposed will ‘find it difficult to attend the Holy Week prayer.’ He has asked some parishes not to have processions and for
congregations to go home quietly after religious ceremonies. Police relaxed curfew in a few areas on April 1 after the situation improved.

Pray: for this and all Easter Christian services in India to be anointed, protected and a prevailing witness to non Believers. (Mt.28:18-20)


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