India: Christians killed for reading Bible

Written by Super User 22 Feb 2011

A local missionary reported, ‘Suspected Islamic militants killed two Christian teenagers on January 31st because they were reading the Bible in the disputed Kashmir valley. The area lies between India and Muslim Pakistan.’ It is believed the girls were shot by three fighters of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan based Islamic militant ‘terrorist’ group. Their Bible reading was part of an underground house church ministry, one of many projects of mission group Salem Voice Ministries (SVM), which supports evangelism and aid among Muslims and Hindus in India, including underground house churches in Muslim-majority Kashmir. Lashkar-e-Taiba, or the 'Army of the Righteous' seeks to introduce an Islamic state in South Asia and to ‘liberate’ Muslims in Indian-controlled Kashmir. India identified the group as masterminds behind the 2008 Mumbai terror attack that killed 166 people. Since the killings local believers are in total fear but they will continue preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pray: for a powerful anointing of all that is needed to fulfil Gods purposes for their work in the area. (Dt.31:12)


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