India: Caste System castoffs

Written by Super User 18 Nov 2010

India's economy is booming with more millionaires per square mile than anywhere else on earth, the huge and youthful population of nearly 1.2bn will overtake China's by approximately 2050. But hundreds of millions still live in abject poverty in rural areas - more than 830 million live on less than half a US dollar a day. India has more cases of malnutrition than the whole of sub-Saharan Africa and the worst affected areas are central and eastern India where many Christians live amongst the lower caste. Development has come but done little for rural Indians. Mining companies turned people off their land with little in the way of compensation. A civil rights worker fears for the future of the nation if the divide between its rich and poor continues to grow. ‘People have been left out, marginalised completely and are no longer going to take it lying down, if policies are not changed the situation will get out of hand.’

Pray: that God’s laws will inspire government decisions so that repression is removed. (Ja.1:27)


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