Honduras: Murder of pastors – Evangelicals vulnerable

Written by Super User 06 Mar 2011

Christians in the evangelical church in Honduras fear they are being deliberately targeted following the murder of several pastors in recent months. Pastor Carlos Roberto Marroquín, the founding pastor of the Pentecostal Church of God and a prominent figure in other Christian organisations was shot last week as he walked his dogs near to his home. The police are treating the pastor as a victim of robbery. Some in the church fear he was deliberately targeted as part of a wider attack on the work of the church. A pastor of Harvest Ministry called the authorities to launch a full investigation saying, ‘There are already six pastors who have died in Honduras in recent months. There must be a project, the authorities must investigate who is behind everything.’

Pray: for God to provide a canopy of protection over His evangelists in Honduras. (Mk,16:20)


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