Haiti: Help still needed after three years

Written by Super User 17 Jan 2013

After the powerful earthquake that devastated much of Haiti, a priest has pleaded with people in the UK to remember the plight of Haitians. Saturday marked the three-year anniversary, but Father Francois Kawas says many thousands of people are still living in camps. Father Kawas is the founder of The Centre for Research, Reflection, Training and Social Action and was in the UK last week to meet representatives of the UK Government and partner aid agencies Christian Aid, Progressio and CAFOD. His latest visit was made to ‘help people in the UK not to forget Haiti’, he says. ‘Haiti still needs the solidarity of your people. It’s very important for us.’ Despite billions of dollars in donations to help get Haiti back on its feet, Father Kawas laments what he sees as the poor management and coordination of funds, and says that much of the money is not gettng into the hands of Haitians.

Pray: that the funds given will be released to meet the needs of those afflicted. Pray that corruption and poor management would not prevail. (Ps.10.14)

More: http://www.theway.co.uk/feature.php?id=9074&this=After_three_years_Haiti_still_needs_help


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