Global: Ramadan 2012

Written by Super User 05 Jul 2012

Some time ago Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ wrote. ‘We are experiencing an amazing phenomenon. Moslems are having dreams and visions confirming the reality of Christ’. The month of Ramadan runs from July 20th to August 18th and followers fast from food and water during daylight hours believing it’s a holy opportunity to draw closer to God through obedience rules. Many mosques have extended prayer times. Seekers cry out to God for revelation, and at the same time many Christians pray for Muslims to encounter Jesus. Reports are multiplying of Muslims converting to Christianity through dreams during Ramadan and at other times. A survey of 600 ex-Muslim believers showed 42% of Africans came to Christ through visions, dreams, angelic appearances and hearing God's voice. One-fourth of the world’s Muslim population live in the Maldives, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. (457 million) For encouraging stories of Muslims experiencing supernatural encounters with Jesus Christ click the more button.

Pray: for dreams and visions of Jesus Christ, for Muslims to have opportunities to hear Christian broadcasts, access Christian websites and come into contact with Christians at this time. (Ac.2:14-21)



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