Global: Media reporting

Written by Super User 30 May 2013

Two men engaged in a horrific act of violence on the streets of London by using a meat cleaver to hack to death a British soldier. The assailants shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and a video showing one of the assailants citing Islam as well as a desire to avenge and stop UK violence against Muslims spread across media outlets. Also last week, a disturbing video made the social media rounds showing an armed Syrian rebel dismembering a dead Syrian government soldier’s body, extracting an organ and taking a bite out of it while saying, ‘We swear to Allah that we will eat your hearts and livers, you soldiers of Bashar the dog.’ We’ve seen this before with a bloody beheadings of Daniel Pearl and hundreds of others. We’ve seen the lynching of Israeli soldiers by men who then held up their blood-drenched hands in celebration.

Pray: for government implemented media blocks on articles that encourage further acts of terrorism. (Ps.2:1-7) Pray for families of victims of terrorist crimes as they become ‘to-days news.’ (Ps.17:8)



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