Global: 43 million refugees

Written by Super User 04 Jul 2013

Persecution, violence and war have displaced 43 million people globally. Consider how your world would change if you were forced to leave your home and possessions at little or no notice and relocate somewhere where you knew no-one. Plus, you have no idea where your next meal is coming from. A refugee is outside their habitual residence because they have suffered (or fear) persecution and/or oppression on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a persecuted 'social group' or they are fleeing natural disaster. They are an 'asylum seeker' until recognized by the state where they make a claim. In Isaiah God told His children to provide shelter to Moabites (a people group the Israelites often fought) This past Sunday we observed World Refugee Sunday! Let us not stop praying for these ‘forgotten’ people of the world. Pray that we will obey the words of Isaiah 16:4 and give shelter to those who have been our enemies.

Pray: and cry out to God to have mercy on the millions of refugees, asking him to give them a future and to foil the plans of the enemy for their lives. (Jer.29:11)


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