Gaza: War 'only a question of time'

Written by Super User 12 Jan 2011

A senior Israeli army officer has told the BBC that as long as Hamas remains in control of the Gaza Strip, another war is ‘only a question of time’. He said the Palestinian Islamist group had re-armed so much since the Israeli offensive two years ago that it was now in a stronger position militarily. There has been an increase in rocket fire coming from Gaza in the past week. Earlier, Israeli defence officials said tanks fitted with a new missile defence system would be deployed near Gaza. The UN has condemned the firing of ‘indiscriminate’ rocket and mortar attacks by militants in Gaza in recent weeks. Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat also warned that tensions were escalating in the region, and that any Israeli attack on Gaza would only lead to further bloodshed. ‘Military solutions such as these won't achieve anything and will only complicate the situation,’ Mr Erekat said.

Pray: for a speedy resolution to the Gaza situation and against any new conflict. (Pr.6:4)


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