Gaza: A generation of casualties

Written by Super User 19 May 2010

Israel's foreign minister warned Palestinians against plans to declare independence next year saying the move could prompt Israel to annex parts of the West Bank and annul past peace agreements. His remarks took aim at a Palestinian policy coming out of the stalled U.S. peace talks. see   Last Friday Israeli warplanes, responding to Palestinian border assaults, bombed the Gaza Strip resulting in two children being hospitalised. The children of Gaza have much misery to contend with as they try to put memories of the war behind them. Much of Gaza is still piles of sand and rubble. The winter rains have brought leaks and floods for family homes and the blockades cause many shortages of necessities. Currently there is a shortage of cooking gas. Power cuts are also commonplace making it very difficult for children to study at night. The children are stuck in Gaza with little hope of the freedom we take for granted.

Pray: for the children of Gaza to have a future and a hope; pray also for the Palestinian Christians to have all their prayers powerfully answered. (Ps.69:32-33,36)


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