Fiji: Methodist Church conference

Written by Super User 18 Jun 2012

Last September we prayed for the Fiji Methodist Church to be granted permission to hold their annual conference this year after it was cancelled for the fourth year running. In 2012 the government granted permission to hold the conference if some guidelines were followed. It should not coincide with the national Hibiscus Festival in August and it must last no longer than three days it can take place from 8am to 8pm each day from Wednesday to Friday only and must be held at the Centenary Church premises. It may only discuss church matters and not political issues. Activities that traditionally accompanied the conference, including choir competition and information stands, have also been banned. The Church was warned by the police that ‘serious actions’ would be taken if the terms of the permit were breached.

Pray: that this step forward will open the way back to democracy, pray also for the protection of every speaker and delegate before, during and after the conference. (Ps.5:11)



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