Ethiopia: Elections on 23 May

Written by Super User 24 May 2010

Church leaders in Ethiopia ask Christians everywhere to join them in prayer for the Ethiopian church in the run-up to the national elections on 23 May. Historically the pre-election period has been a time of increased difficulty for the church. Crime levels rise and legal processes slow down as government officials are pre-occupied with securing votes for their political party. Those opposing the Christian faith often take this opportunity to attack church buildings, and Christians who are arrested because of false accusations may have to wait longer before being able to defend their case in court. Church leaders also face increased pressure, many civilians fear a repetition of the 2005 political violence. Open Doors have asked us to pray for peaceful and just election procedures, that God’s will be done, and that the outcome will not result in bloodshed.

Pray: for the protection of Christians located in persecution hot spots and for them to know God’s strength and peace. (Is.49:8)


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