Egypt: The effect on neighbours

Written by Super User 22 Feb 2011

Thousands are demonstrating across the region demanding political and social reform since Egypt promised to make constitutional amendments and have democratic elections. Tens of thousands in Algeria, Jordan and Yemen are demonstrating for complete political and social overhaul. Although their leaders promise changes protesters say it is not enough. See:  Early Wednesday morning Libyan protesters threw petrol bombs and stones at government supporters and police who in turn violently dispersed the crowd with tear gas, batons and hot water. A Libyan 'Day of rage' has been called for Thursday by local residents with a history of distrust of Gaddafi. In Bahrain the King announced a probe into the deaths of two protesters killed in clashes with security forces, when thousands of protesters gathered in Manama's main square. In Bahrain the Shia majority has been ruled by a Sunni Muslim royal family since the 18th Century. See:  Pray: for a spiritual overhaul of the whole region. (Is.23:17,18)


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