Egypt: Muslims who kill Christians often claim ‘Insanity’

Written by Super User 18 May 2010

Islamist investigators, judges and psychiatrists are only too willing to go with the pretext of insanity plea of 'insanity' to allow fellow Muslims to ‘get away with murder’ based on the Islamic law - Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one.’ The latest example of the insanity defence was the murder of a Coptic Christian deacon, George Fathi, who was killed last October deliberately and with premeditation, by two fundamentalist brothers who visited George in his flat , then strangled and electrocuted him until his intestines burst out. His father was sitting in a coffee house facing their flat, saw smoke coming out and when he opened the door he found his son dead and disfigured. The killers opened a butane cylinder and made a fire to cause an explosion but this was averted by the father and neighbours, who testified having seen three bearded men enter the flat earlier. On April 24 the presiding judge in the brothers' case stated that the psychiatric assessment confirmed insanity. At the request of the victim's lawyers, the judge said they could refer the defendant to a psychiatric committee.

Pray: for global condemnation to cause a reversal in Egypt’s edicts, for the victims of brutal attacks to be conscious of God’s presence. (1Pe.2:19)


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